Elizabeth Carlton
- Heavy Rainfall Events and Diarrhea Incidence: The Role of Social and Environmental Factors
- A systematic review and meta-analysis of ambient temperature and diarrhea diseases
- Estimating the Risk of Domestic Water Source Contamination following Precipitation Events
- Delays in reducing waterborne and water-related infectious diseases in China under climate change
- Untangling the Impacts of Climate Change on Waterborne Diseases: a Systematic Review of Relationships between Diarrheal Diseases and Temperature, Rainfall, Flooding, and Drought
- Planning for climate change: The need for mechanistic systems-based approaches to study climate change impacts on diarrheal
Henry Diaz
- Diaz, H. F. and B. J. Morehouse (eds.), 2003: Climate and Water, Transboundary Challenges in the Americas. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 402 pp.
- Diaz, H.F. and R.J. Murnane (eds.), 2008: Climate Extremes and Society. Cambridge University Press, New York, 340 pp.
- Diaz, H.F. and J.K. Eischeid, 2007: Disappearing “Alpine Tundra” Köppen climatic type in the western United States. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L18707, doi: 10.1029/2007GL031253.
- Karmalkar, A. V., R. S. Bradley, and H. F. Diaz, 2011: Climate change in Central America and Mexico: regional climate model validation and climate change projections. Climate Dynamics, 37, 605–629, doi: 10.1007/s00382-011-1099-9.
- Giambelluca, T. W., H. F. Diaz, and M. S. A. Luke, 2008: Secular temperature changes in Hawai‘i. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L12702, doi: 10.1029/2008GL034377.
- Hughes, M. K. and H. F. Diaz, 2008: Climate variability and change in the drylands of Western North America. Global and Planetary Change, 64, 111–118.
- Baker, B., H. Diaz, W. Hargrove, F. Hoffman, 2010: Use of the Köppen-Trewartha climate classification to evaluate climatic refugia in statistically derived ecoregions for the People’s Republic of China. Climatic Change, 98, 113–131.
- Elison Timm, O., T. W. Giambelluca, and H. F. Diaz, 2015: Projected rainfall changes in the Hawaiian Islands based on the IPCC CMIP5 scenarios with statistical downscaling. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, 92–112, doi: 10.1002/2014JD022059.
- Diaz, H. F., and V. Trouet, 2014: Some perspectives on societal impacts of past climatic changes. History Compass, 12, 160–177.
- Quan, X-W., M. P. Hoerling, J. Perlwitz, H. F. Diaz, and T. Xu, 2014: How fast are the Tropics expanding? J. Climate, 27, 1999–2013.
- Diaz, H. F., R. S. Bradley, and L. Ning, 2014: Climatic changes in mountain regions of the American Cordillera and the Tropics. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 46, 735–743, doi: 10.1657/1938-4246-46.4.735.
- Pepin, N., R. S. Bradley, H. F. Diaz, M. Baraer, E. B. Caceres, N. Forsythe, H. Fowler, G. Greenwood, M. Z. Hashmi, X. D. Liu, J. Miller, L. Ning, A. Ohmura, E. Palazzi, I. Rangwala, W. Schoener, I. Severskiy, M. Shahgedanova, M. B. Wang, S. N. Williamson, and D. Q. Yang, 2015: Elevation-dependent warming in mountain regions of the world. Nature Clim. Chg., 5, 424–430, doi: 10.1038/nclimate2563.
- Diaz, H. F., and E. R. Wahl, 2015: Recent California Water Year precipitation deficits: A 440-year perspective. J. Climate, 28, 4637–4652.
- Diaz, H. F., E. R. Wahl, E. Zorita, T. W. Giambelluca, and J. K. Eischeid, 2016: A five-century reconstruction of Hawaiian Islands rainfall. J. Climate, 29, 5661–5674.
- Glaser, J., J. Lemery, B. Rajagapolan, H. F. Diaz, R. Garcia-Trabanino, G. Taduri, M. Madero, M. Amarasinghe, G. Abraham, S. Anutrakulchai, V. Jha, P. Stenvinkel, C. Roncal-Jimenez, M. A. Lanaspa, R. Correa-Rotter, D. Sheikh-Hamad, E. A. Burdmann, A. Andres-Hernando, T. Milagres, I. Weiss, M. Kanbay, C. Wesseling, L. G. Sánchez-Lozada, and R. J. Johnson, 2016: Climate change and the emergent epidemic of chronic kidney disease from heat stress in rural communities: The case for Heat Stress Nephropathy. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 11, 1472-1483, doi: 10.2215/CJN.13841215.
Mary Hayden
- Spiegel J, Bennett S, Hattersley L, Hayden MH, Kittayapong P, Nalim S, Wang D, Zielinski-Gutierrez E, and Gubler D. (2005). Barriers and bridges to prevention and control of dengue: the need for a social-ecological approach. EcoHealth 2 (4): 273-290
- Zielinski-Gutierrez EC and Hayden MH. (2006) A model for defining West Nile virus risk perception based on ecology and proximity. EcoHealth 3(1): 28-34
- Moreno R, Hayden MH, Janes C, and Anderson G. (2006). A web-based multimedia spatial information system to document Aedes aegypti breeding sites and dengue fever risk along the US-Mexico border. Health and Place 12(4):715-27
- Barnes LR, Gruntfest EC, Hayden MH, Schultz DM and Benight, C. (2007) False Alarms and Close Calls: A Conceptual Model of Warning Accuracy. Weather and Forecasting, 22(5):1140-1147
- Moreno-Sanchez R, Anderson G, Cruz J and Hayden MH (2007) The potential for the use of Open Source Software and Open Specifications in creating web-based cross-border health spatial information systems. The International Journal of Geographical Information Science 21(10): 1135-1163.
- Hayden MH, Drobot S, Radil S, Benight C, Gruntfest EC and Barnes LR. (2007) Information Sources for Flash Flood Warnings in Denver, CO and Austin, TX. Environmental Hazards 7(3): 211-219
- Benight C, Gruntfest E, Hayden MH, Drobot S. (2007) Trauma and Short-Fuse Weather Warning Perceptions. Environmental Hazards 7(3): 220-226
- Ramos M, Mohammad H, Zielinski-Gutierrez E, Hayden MH, Robles Lopez JL, Fournier M, Rodríguez Trujillo A, Burton R, Brunkard J, Anaya-Lopez L, Abell A, Kuri-Morales P, Smith B, Munoz J, Waterman S, and the Dengue Serosurvey Working Group. (2008) Epidemic Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever at the Texas-Mexico Border: Results of a household-based seroepidemiological survey, December 2005. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 78(3): 364-369
- Barnes LR, Schultz DM, Gruntfest EC, Hayden MH, Benight CC (2009) Corrigendum: False Alarm Rate or False Alarm Ratio? Weather and Forecasting (in press)
- Hayden MH, Uejio C, Walker K, Ramberg F, Moreno-Sanchez R, Rosales C, Gameros M, Mearns LO, Zielinski-Gutierrez E and Janes CR. (2010) Microclimate and Human Ecological Factors in the Divergent Ecology of Aedes aegypti along the Arizona, U.S./Sonora, MX Border. EcoHealth 7 (1): 64-77. doi: 0.1007/s10393-010-0288-z
- Wilhelmi OV and Hayden MH. (2010) Connecting people and place: a new framework for reducing urban vulnerability to extreme heat. Environ. Res. Lett. 5 014021. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/5/1/014021
- Schultz DM, Gruntfest EC, Hayden MH, Benight CC, Drobot S and Barnes LR. (2010) Decision Making by Austin, Texas Residents in Hypothetical Tornado Scenarios. Weather, Climate and Society. 2(3): 247-252
- Morss RE and Hayden MH. (2010) Storm surge and “certain death”: Interviews with Texas coastal residents following Hurricane Ike. Weather, Climate and Society 2(3):172-187
- Hayden MH, Brenkert-Smith H.,Wilhelmi O. (2011) Differential adaptive capacity to extreme heat: A Phoenix, AZ. case study. Weather, Climate and Society 3(4): 269-280.
- Dukic V and Hayden MH, Forgor-Adams, A, Hopson T, Akweongo, P, Hodgson, A, Monaghan, A. Weidinmyer, C, Yoksas, T, Thomson, M, Tratska, S and R. Pandya. (2012) The role of weather in meningitis outbreaks in Navrongo, Ghana: A Generalized Additive Modeling approach. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 17(3): 442-460
- Monaghan, A.J., K. MacMillan, S.M. Moore, P.S. Mead, M.H. Hayden, and R.J. Eisen, (2012) A regional climatography of West Nile, Uganda, to support human plague modeling. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 51:1201-1221
- Lozano-Fuentes S, Hayden MH, Welsh-Rodriguez C, Ochoa-Martinez C, Tapia-Santos B, Kobylinski KC, Uejio CK, Zielinski-Gutierrez E, Delle Monache L, Monaghan AJ, Steinhoff DF, and Lars Eisen. (2012) The Dengue Virus Mosquito Vector Aedes aegypti at High Elevation in México. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 87:902-909doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.2012.12-0244
- Lozano-Fuentes S, Welsh-Rodriguez C, Hayden MH, Tapia-Santos B, Ochoa-Martinez C, Kobylinski KC, Uejio CK, Zielinski-Gutierrez E, Delle Monache L, Monaghan AJ, Steinhoff DF, and Lars Eisen. (2012) Aedes (Ochlerotatus) epactius Dyar & Knab along an elevation and climate gradient in Veracruz and Puebla States, México. Journal of Medical Entomology 10:1244-1253
- Hayden MH, Dalaba M, Akweongo P, Awine T, Nyaaba G, Anaseba D, Pelzman J, Hodgson A, and Pandya R. (2013) Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Related to Meningitis in Northern Ghana. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 89:265-270.
- de Sherbinin, A., Wilhelmi, O and Hayden, M. (2013) Exposure to Heat Stress in Urban Environments: Current Status and Future Prospects in a Changing Climate. In: Ecologies and Politics of Health, edited by Brian King and Kelley Crews, Routledge Press Chapter 12:219-238.
- Akweongo P, Dalaba MA, Hayden MH, Awine T, Nyaaba GN, Anaseba D, Hodgson A and Pandya, R. (2013) The economic burden of Meningitis to households in the Kassena-Nankana District of Northern Ghana. PLOS ONE http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0079880
- Abdussalam, A.F., A.J. Monaghan, V.M. Dukic, M.H. Hayden, T.M. Hopson, and G.C. Leckebusch, and J. Thornes. Climate influences on the interannual variability of meningitis incidence in northwest Nigeria. (2014) Wea. Clim. Soc., 6, 62-76. DOI:10.1175/WCAS-D-13-00004.1.
- Heaton, M.J., S.R. Sain, T.A. Greasby, C.K. Uejio, M.H. Hayden, A.J. Monaghan, J. Boehnert, K. Sampson, D. Banerjee, V. Nepal, and O.V. Wilhelmi. (2014) Identifying Vulnerability to Heat-2 Related Mortality using a Spatially Varying Coefficient Model. Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 8:23-33.
- Jancloes M, Thomson M, Manez M, Hewitt C, Corvalan C, Dinku T, Lowe R and Hayden M. (2014) Climate Services to Improve Public Health. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 11(5), 4555-4559; doi:10.3390/ijerph110504555
- Abdussalam, A.F., A.J. Monaghan, D.H. Steinhoff, V.M. Dukic, M.H. Hayden, T.M. Hopson, and J. Thornes, and G.C. Leckebusch. (2014) The impact of climate change on meningitis in northwest Nigeria: an assessment using CMIP5 climate model simulations. Wea. Clim. Soc., accepted for publication.
- Lozano-Fuentes, S., C. Welsh-Rodriguez, A.J. Monaghan, D.F. Steinhoff, C. Ochoa-Martinez, B. Tapia Santos, M.H. Hayden, and L. Eisen. (2014) Intra_Annual Changes in Abundance of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti and Aedes (Ochlerotatus) epactius in High-Elevation Communities in México. J. Med. Entomol, accepted for publication
- Uejio CK, Hayden MH, Zielinski-Gutierrez E, Robles Lopez JL, Barrera R, Amador M, Thompson G, and Waterman SH. (2014) Biological Control of Mosquitoes in Scrap Tires in Brownsville, TX US and Matamoros, TM MX. Journal of American Mosquito Control Association, 30 (2), 130-135
- Moreno-Madriñán M, Crosson W, Eisen L, Estes S, Estes Jr. M, Hayden M, Hemmings S, Irwin D, Lozano-Fuentes S, Monaghan A, Quattrochi D, Welsh-Rodriguez C, Zielinski-Gutierrez E. (2014) Correlating Remote Sensing Data with Abundance of Pupae of the Dengue Virus Mosquito Vector, Aedes aegypti, in Central Mexico. Int. J. Geo-Inf, 3(2), 732-749
Eisen L, Monaghan A, Lozano-Fuentes S, Steinfhoff D, Hayden M and Bieringer P. (2014) The Impact of Temperature on the Bionomics of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti, With Special Reference to the Cool Geographic Range Margins. J Med Entomol51 (3): 496-516
Pandya R, Hodgson A, Hayden M, Akweongo P, Hopson T, Adams Forgor A, Yoksas T, Dalaba M, Dukic V, Mera R, Dumont A, McCormack K, Anaseba D, Awine T, Boehnert J, Nyaaba G, Laing A, Semazzi F. (2014) Using Weather Forecasts to Help Manage Meningitis. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Society 96(1):103-115
- Heaton MJ, Sain SR, Monaghan AJ, Wilhelmi OJand Hayden MH,. (2014) Analyzing an Incomplete Marked Point Pattern of Heat-Related 911 Calls. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 110:509, 123-135.
- Ernst KC, Haenchen S, Dickinson K, Doyle MS, Walker K, Monaghan AJ, Hayden MH. Awareness and support of release of genetically modified “sterile” mosquitoes, Key West, Florida, USA. Emerg Infect Dis. 2015 Feb [date cited]. http://dx.doi.org/10.3201/eid2102.141035
Hayden MH, Cavanaugh JL, Tittel C, Butterworth M, Haenchen S, Dickinson K, Monaghan A and Ernst KC. (2015) Post Outbreak Review: Dengue Preparedness and Response in Key West, Florida. Am J Trop Med Hyg, accepted for publication.
Dickinson, K.L., E. Kanyomse, R. Piedrahita, E. Coffey, I. Rivera, J. Adoctor, R. Aligiria, D. Muvandimwe, M. Dove, V. Dukic, M. Hayden, D. Diaz-Sanchez, V. Adoctor, D. Anaseba, Y. Slichter, N. Masson, A. Monaghan, A. Titati, D. Steinhoff, Y-Y. Hsu, R. Kaspar, B. Brooks, A. Hodgson, M. Hannigan, A. R. Oduro, and C. Wiedinmyer. (2015) Research on Emissions, Air quality, Climate, and Cooking Technologies in Northern Ghana (REACCTING): Study Rationale and Protocol. BMC Public Health. Accepted for publication
- Hayden MH, Monaghan AJ, Apangu T, Griffith KS, Mead PS, Beard CB, BorchertJN, Boegler K, Zielniski-Gitierrez E, Acayo S, Acidri R, Moore SM, MacMillan K, Atiku LA, Mpanga JT, Enscore RE, Gage KL and Eisen RJ. (2015).Mapping and modeling plague in Uganda to improve health outcomes. WHO-WMO Climate Services for Health, accepted for publication
- Arellano C, Castro L, Diaz R, Ernst K, Hayden M, Reyes-Castro P. (2015) Knowledge and beliefs about dengue transmission and their relationship with prevention practices in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico: A qualitative assessment. Frontiers in Public Health. accepted for publication
- Hahn MB, Monaghan AJ, Hayden MH, Eisen RJ, Delorey MJ, Lindsey NP, Nasci RS, and M Fischer. (2015) Meteorological conditions associated with increased incidence of West Nile virus disease in the United States, 2004-2012. Am J Trop Med Hyg, in press
Richard Johnson
- Rehydration with soft drink-like beverages exacerbates dehydration and worsens dehydration-associated renal injury
- Climate Change and the Emergent Epidemic of CKD from Heat Stress in Rural Communities: The Case for Heat Stress Nephropathy
- Metabolic and Kidney Diseases in the Setting of Climate Change, Water Shortage, and Survival Factors
Glaser J, Lemery J Rajagapolan B, Diaz HF, Garcia-Trabanino R, Taduri G, Madero M, Amarasinghe M, Abraham G, Anutrakulchai S, Jha V, Stenvinkel P, Roncal-Jimenez C, Lanaspa MA, Correa-Rotter R, Sheikh-Hamad D, Burdmann EA, Andres Hernando A, Milagres T, Weiss I, Kanbay M, Wesseling C, Sanchez-Lozada LG, Johnson RJ. Climate Change and the Emergent Epidemic of Chronic Kidney Disease from Heat Stress in Rural Communities: The Case for Heat Stress Nephropathy. CJASN 2016 Aug 8;11(8):1472-83
Johnson RJ, Stenvinkel P, Jensen T, Lanaspa MA, Roncal C, Xong Z, Bankir L, Sanchez-Lozada LG. Metabolic and Kidney Diseases in the Setting of Climate Change, Water Shortage, and Survival Factors. JASN 2016 Aug;27(8):2247-56
Song Z, Roncal-Jimenez CA, Lanaspa-Garcia M, Oppelt SA, Kuwabara M, Jensen T, Milagres T, Andres-Hernando A, Ishimoto T, Garcia GE, Johnson G, MacLean PS, Sanchez-Lozada LG, Tolan DR, Johnson RJ. Role of Fructose and Fructokinase in Acute Dehydration Induced Vasopressin Gene Expression and Secretion in Mice. J Neurophys (in press)
García-Arroyo FE, Cristóbal M, Arellano-Buendía AS, Osorio H, Tapia E, Soto V, Madero M, Lanaspa MA, Roncal-Jiménez C, Bankir L, Johnson RJ, Sánchez-Lozada LG. Rehydration with Soft Drink-like Beverages Exacerbates Dehydration and Worsens Dehydration-associated Renal Injury. Am J Physiol Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 2016 Jul 1;311(1):R57-65
Roncal-Jimenez CA, Milagres T, Andres-Hernando A, Kuwabara M, Jensen T,Song Z, Bjornstad P, Garcia GE, Sato Y, Sanchez-Lozada LG, Lanaspa MA and Johnson RJ.Desmopressin (Type 2) Vasopressin Receptor Agonist Accelerates Heat Stress Nephropathy in Mice Am J Physiol Renal Physiol (in press)
Kuwabara M, Hisatome I, Roncal-Jimenez CA, Niwa K, Andres-Hernando A, Jensen T, Bjornstad P, Milagres T, Cicerchi C, Song Z, Garcia G, Sanchez-Lozada LG, Ohno M, Lanaspa MA, Johnson RJ. Increased Serum Sodium and Serum Osmolarity are Independent Risk Factors for Developing Chronic Kidney Disease; 5 year cohort study. PLoS One (in press)
- Kuwabara M, Hisatome I, Roncal-Jimenez CA, Niwa K, Andres-Hernando A, et al. (2017) Increased Serum Sodium and Serum Osmolarity Are Independent Risk Factors for Developing Chronic Kidney Disease; 5 Year Cohort Study. PLOS ONE 12(1): e0169137. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169137
Kristopher Karnauskas
- Karnauskas, K. B., J. P. Donnelly, and K. J. Anchukaitis, 2016: Future Freshwater Stress for Island Populations. Nature Climate Change, 6, 720–725, doi: 10.1038/nclimate2987.
- Li, L., R. W. Schmitt, C. C. Ummenhofer, and K. B. Karnauskas, 2016: North Atlantic salinity as a predictor of Sahel rainfall. Science Advances, 2(5), e1501588, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1501588.
- Karnauskas, K. B., A. Giannini, R. Seager, and A. J. Busalacchi, 2013: A simple mechanism for the climatological midsummer drought along the Pacific coast of Central America. Atmósfera, 26(2), 261–281, doi: 10.1016/S0187-6236(13)71075-0.
Jay Lemery
- Lemery J. “Peering Through the Hourglass.” Emergency Medicine Journal (British Medical Journal). 2017, in press.
- Glaser, J., Lemery, J. (co-first authors) Rajagopalan, B., Diaz, H. F., García-Trabanino, R., Taduri, G., … & Jha, V. (2016). Climate Change and the Emergent Epidemic of CKD from Heat Stress in Rural Communities: The Case for Heat Stress Nephropathy. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, CJN-13841215.
- Lemery, J., & Jackson, R. J. (2015). “Independence” Day. Annals of Global Health, 81(3), 416-417.
- Lemery J, Farmer P, Williams C. “The Great Procrastination.” Health and Human Rights. 16.1. June 2014.
- Gomez, Balsari, Nussbaum, Heerboth, Lemery. “Environment, biodiversity, and the education of the physician of the future.” Academic Medicine. Vol 88. No 2. February 2013.
- Francis, Goodsmith, Michelow, Kulkarni, McKenney, Tomei, Kishore, Balsari, Lemery et al. “The Weill Cornell Global Health Curriculum: A Case Study on Global Health Program Development in Medical Schools” Academic Medicine, September 2012. 87(9). 1296–1302.
- Lemery J. “A Case for White Coat Diplomacy” JAMA. 303(13). April 7, 2010.
- Balsari S, Lemery J, Williams T, Nelson B. “Protecting the Children of Haiti,” New England Journal of Medicine. Volume 362:e25. February 17, 2010.
- Luber G & Lemery J (editors). Global Climate Change and Human Health: From Science to Practice. 1st Ed. Jossey-Bass. San Francisco. 2015.
- Lemery J, Auerbach P. Enviromedics: The Impact of Climate Change on Human Health. Rowman and Littlefield. Under contract, to press in 2017.
Andrew Monaghan
- Monaghan, A.J., K.M. Sampson, D.F. Steinhoff, K.C. Ernst, K.L. Ebi, B. Jones, and M.H. Hayden, 2016: The potential impacts of 21st century climatic and population changes on human exposure to the virus vector mosquito Aedes aegypti. Climatic Change,
doi:10.1007/s10584-016-1679-0. - Monaghan, A.J., S.M. Moore, K.M. Sampson, C.B. Beard, and R.J. Eisen, 2015: Climate change influences on the annual onset of Lyme disease in the United States. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases, 6, 615-622. doi:10.1016/j.ttbdis.2015.05.005.
- Monaghan, A.J., C.W. Morin, D.F. Steinhoff, O.V. Wilhelmi, M.H.
Hayden, D.A. Quattrochi, M.H. Reiskind, A.L. Lloyd, K.A. Smith, C.A.
Schmidt, P. Scalf, and K.C. Ernst, 2016: On the seasonal occurrence
and abundance of the Zika virus vector mosquito Aedes aegypti in thecontiguous United States. PLoS Currents Outbreaks, 1,
doi:10.1371/currents.outbreaks.50dfc7f46798675fc63e7d7da563da76. - Marsha, A., S.R. Sain, M.J. Heaton, A.J. Monaghan, and O.V. Wilhelmi, 2016: Influences of climatic and population changes on heat-related mortality in Houston, Texas. Climatic Change,
doi:10.1007/s10584-016-1775-1. - Dickinson, K.L., A.J. Monaghan, I.J. Rivera, E. Kanyomse, J. Adoctor,
R. Kaspar, A.R. Oduro, C. Wiedinmyer, 2016: Changing Weather and Climate in Northern Ghana: Comparison of Local Perceptions with Meteorological and Land Cover Data. Regional Environmental Change, doi:10.1007/s10113-016-1082-4. - Conlon, K., A.J. Monaghan, M.H. Hayden, and O.V. Wilhelmi, 2016:
Potential impacts of future climatic and land use changes on
intra-urban heat exposure in Houston, Texas. PLoS ONE, 11, e148890. - Springer, Y.P., C.S. Jarnevich, D.T. Barnett, A.J. Monaghan, and R.J.
Eisen, 2015: Modeling the present and future geographic distribution of the Lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum (Ixodida: Ixodidae), in the continental United States Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 93, 875-890. - Abdussalam, A.F., A.J. Monaghan, V.M. Dukic, M.H. Hayden, T.M. Hopson, G.C. Leckebusch, and J. Thornes, 2014: Climate influences on meningitis incidence in northwest Nigeria. Wea. Clim. Soc., 6, 62-76. DOI:10.1175/WCAS-D-13-00004.1
- Abdussalam, A.F., A.J. Monaghan, D.H. Steinhoff, V.M. Dukic, M.H.
Hayden, T.M. Hopson, J. Thornes, and G.C. Leckebusch, 2014: The impact of climate change on meningitis in northwest Nigeria: an assessment using CMIP5 climate model simulations. Wea. Clim. Soc., 6, doi:10.1175/WCAS-D-13-00068.1. - Eisenhauer, I.F., C.M. Hoover, J.V. Remais, A.J. Monaghan, M. Celada, and E.J. Carlton, 2016: Short report: Estimating risk of domestic water source contamination following precipitation events. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 94, 1403-1406.
- Morin, C.W., A.J. Monaghan, M.H. Hayden, R. Barrera, and K.C. Ernst, 2015: Meteorologically Driven Simulations of Dengue Epidemics in San Juan, PR. PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis., 9, e0004002.
doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0004002. - Heaton, M.J., S.R. Sain, T.A. Greasby, C.K. Uejio, M.H. Hayden, A.J.
Monaghan, J. Boehnert, K. Sampson, D. Banerjee, V. Nepal, and O.V. Wilhelmi, 2014: Characterizing Urban Vulnerability to Heat Stress using a Spatially Varying Coefficient Model. Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 8, 23-33, doi:10.1016/j.sste.2014.01.002. - Heaton, M.J., S.R. Sain, A.J. Monaghan, M.H. Hayden, and O.V.
Wilhelmi, 2015: An Analysis of an Incomplete Marked Point Pattern of Heat-Related 911 Calls. J. Am. Statistical Assoc., 110, 123-125. doi:10.1080/01621459.2014.983229. - Moore, S.M., R.J. Eisen, A.J. Monaghan, and P.S. Mead, 2014:
Meteorological influences on the seasonality of Lyme Disease in the United States. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 90, 486-496.
doi:10.4269/ajtmh.13-0180. - Oleson, K.W., A. Monaghan, O. Wilhelmi, M. Barlage, N. Brunsell, J.
Feddema, L. Hu, and D.F. Steinhoff, 2013: Interactions between
urbanization, heat stress, and climate change. Climatic Change,
doi:10.1007/s10584-013-0936-8. - Lozano-Fuentes, S., M.H. Hayden, C. Welsh-Rodriguez, C.
Ochoa-Martinez, B. Tapia-Santos, K.C. Kobylinski, C.K. Uejio, E.
Zielinski-Gutierrez, L. Delle-Monache, A.J. Monaghan , D.F. Steinhoff, and L. Eisen, 2012: Dengue virus mosquito vectors at high elevation in Mexico. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 87, 902-909. - Lozano-Fuentes, S., C. Welsh-Rodriguez, M.H. Hayden, B. Tapia-Santos, C. Ochoa-Martinez, K.C. Kobylinski, C.K. Uejio, E.
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Colleen Reid
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Rosemary Rochford
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- Reynaldi A, Schlub TE, Chelimo K, Sumba PO, Piriou E, Ogolla S, Moormann AM, Rochford R, Davenport MP. 2016. Modeling of EBV infection and antibody responses in Kenyan infants with different levels of malaria exposure shows maternal antibody decay is a major determinant of early EBV infection. J. Infect Dis, Epub.
- J. R. Wilmore, A. Maue, and R. Rochford. Plasmodium chabaudi infection induces AID expression in B cells outside of germinal centers. Immunity, Inflammation and Disease, In press.
Cecilia Sorensen
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Anna Stewart-Ibarra
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- Stewart Ibarra AM, Luzadis VA, Borbor Cordova MJ, Silva M, Ordoñez T, Beltrán Ayala E, Ryan SJ. 2014. A social-ecological analysis of community perceptions of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti in Machala, Ecuador. BMC Public Health. 14:1135. http://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2458-14-1135
- Stewart Ibarra AM, Muñoz AG, Ryan SJ, Borbor MJ, Beltran Ayala E, Finkelstein JL, Mejía R, Ordonez T, Recalde Coronel GC, Rivero K. 2014. Spatiotemporal clustering, climate periodicity, and social-ecological risk factors for dengue during an outbreak in Machala, Ecuador, in 2010. BMC Infectious Disease. 14:610.http://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12879-014-0610-4
- Stewart Ibarra AM, Ryan S.J., Beltran E. Mejía R., Silva M., Muñoz A. 2013. Dengue vector dynamics (Aedes aegypti) influenced by climatic and social factors in Ecuador: implications for targeted control. PLOS ONE 8(11): e78263. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0078263
- Stewart Ibarra AM and Lowe, R. 2013. Climate and non-climate drivers of dengue epidemics in southern coastal Ecuador. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 88(5): 971–981.http://annastewartibarra.weebly.com/uploads/2/9/3/2/29320951/stewart_ibarra_and_lowe_2013_dengue_climate_ecuador.full.pdf
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